What is 'aLeaves'?

aLeaves allows you to collect homologs of the sequence of your interest. Those sequences can be passed on to the web server for sophisticated multiple alignment, and then to tree building. This initial process one can perform here is just like collecting leaves (termini of trees) from diverse animals. This is why we designated this tool 'aLeaves'.

Start the search (powered by NCBI Blast

Enter your "query" peptide sequence in the fasta format

Or upload a file:

Select database (one or more) 
(number of sequences in parentheses):
1. Human - Refseq (62,342) [detail] 
2. Human - Ensembl (116,646) [detail]
3*. Non-human eutherians - Ensembl (2,260,241) [detail]
4. Non-eutherian mammals - Ensembl (122,040) [detail]
5. Non-mammalian vertebrates - Ensembl (2,766,415) [detail]
6. Cartilaginous fishes and cyclostomes (364,571) [detail]
7*. All vertebrate entries except mammalians in NCBI Protein (7,537,596) [detail]
8. Invertebrate deuterostomes (250,212) [detail]
9. Arthropods (2,106,748) [detail]
10. Nematodes (779,022) [detail]
11. Other protostomes (644,150) [detail]
12. Non-bilaterian metazoans (cnidarians, placozoan & poriferan) (644,150) [detail]
13*. All metazoan entries except vertebrates in NCBI Protein (11,024,593) [detail]

(Caution: selecting the database marked with * will largely slow down the search)

Number of homologs to collect: (This number should not exceed 10000)

Threshold E-value:

Set low complexity filter or not [help of NCBI Blast]:    

Please confirm that the output of this search will later be transferred to the MAFFT server at Osaka Univ. for downstream processing.

Currently, searches are only executed in peptide databases using a single peptide sequence as query with BLASTP.

To cite aLeaves

aLeaves facilitates on-demand exploration of metazoan gene family trees on MAFFT sequence alignment server with enhanced interactivity.
Shigehiro Kuraku, Christian M. Zmasek, Osamu Nishimura, and Kazutaka Katoh.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2013. 41 (W1): W22-W28.